Welcome Letter and 7th grade Curriculum Outline

Welcome to Communication Skills

Mrs. Benson Room 216

HNMS ~ Team 7-A

Dear Students and Families,

I am very excited to be working with each of you this year. I am sure that you all have many questions regarding the new school year and your upcoming experience in 7th grade. The purpose of my letter is to answer a few of the questions you may have about Communication Skills in room 216; if I do not answer all of them here (and I am sure I won’t) please feel free to e-mail me. I try to answer e-mail as soon as possible. You can call, but please be aware that during classes, your call will go straight to voicemail. I listen to messages first thing in the morning, during my plan time and at the end of the day. Calls will be returned at the end of the school day. I will respond to notes as well. Your student’s planner is a good place for notes. Please check out our class blog often, if not daily, for a summary of the day and to offer positive feedback to our blooming writers at hazelwoodcbenson.blogspot.com.

You will find announcements and homework, several links filled with resources and learning games on the blog as well. If you are looking for something and it is not there, let me know and I will try to add it. Here are a few important expectations for our class:

Materials: Each student is expected to have the following items in class every day. If they run out it is up to them to communicate that with you:

• 1 composition notebook (may need to be replaced if filled)

• Loose Leaf paper (at least 150 sheets-may need to be replaced)

• planner (provided by school)

• pencils, pens (red, blue, and black, they should always have one of each)

• 2 different colored highlighters

• Their zipper binder (used in all classes)

• flash drive (minimum of 1 gig) or a Googledocs account

Class Expectations:

• Come to class prepared to work hard and learn

• Listen carefully and respectfully to others in the classroom and make only thoughtful responses

• Take ownership of your mistakes

• Follow the Panther Paw Laws

Student Blogs: Each student will be creating a blog of their reading and writing journey that will be followed and monitored by me. This will not only act as an online portfolio of their best work, it will give them the opportunity to publish themselves to a real audience. We will be working with other middle school classrooms in the district through these blogs, getting feedback and sharing our reading experiences. Students will explore learning through 21st Century Literacy Skills. All REQUIRED blog work will be done in the classroom to ensure that all students have equal access. Students may add to their blog at home if they wish as long as it remains school appropriate and suits the purpose of the reading/writing community we build. Details and a permission slip will come home by the end of September.

Homework: Homework is a vital part of the learning experience that provides practice for the student. Students are required to write their homework in their planners each day and have the planners stamped by me. This is another way, besides the class blog, for you to be aware of what is going on in our class. Various types of assignments will be given at different times however; students will also have homework every night. This will require them to read for 30 minutes.

Our class focuses on reading and writing. Attached you will find the refrigerator curriculum set out by the district. With each of the concepts we study, students will be setting goals and creating plans to meet these goals. Through the use of feedback, students will monitor their progress towards these learning goals and adjust their plan to maximize learning. Please be sure to ask you student regularly about the progress towards their own learning goals.

In support of our district reading initiative we will create a community of readers. There is great research out there to support the value of a strong reading habit. We will be working on the development of this habit and on furthering each student’s individual reading goals. If you have questions on this initiative or any other part of our class, please ask. E-mail is best, but not always possible. If this is the case, you may call or write.

I am looking forward to an exciting year with all of you.

Mrs. Benson



Please sign below and have your student return this page to class.
I have read the information regarding Mrs. Benson’s Communication Skills class.

Student’s Name__________________________________________________

Student’s Signature________________________________________________

Parent Name_____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature_________________________________________

Best Parent Contact Info ____________________________________________

Would you be willing to volunteer in our classroom or building?




Copies of this letter can be found on the class blog.

Hazelwood School District Curriculum Highlights

By the end of the school year, a seventh grade student will . . .


Using grade level texts, seventh grade students will:

 Develop vocabulary using the glossary, dictionary, thesaurus and class discussion

 Use appropriate strategies including meaning, syntax, visual cues, and decoding when comprehension breaks down (Monitoring Comprehension)

 Compare, contrast, and analyze connections from

text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world

(Making Connections)

 Question in considering the text (author’s purpose, theme, or point of view) (Questioning)

 Create and describe multi-sensory images that enrich and extend the text (Visualizing)

 Identify key concept(s) and supporting details and uses text features to clarify (Determining Importance)

 Develop predictions, interpretations, or conclusions about the text; identify point of view and mood; and, analyze the influence of setting on characters, plot, and resolution (Inferring)

 Analyze text features of consumer texts, such as product information, to clarify meaning

 Use and explain figurative language: hyperbole, imagery, and propaganda

 Apply post-reading skills to summarize, paraphrase, and retell


 Apply the characteristics of different writing genres to produce their own pieces of writing

 Develop writing skills based on the six writing traits: (content, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, voice, conventions)

 Use the writing process independently


 Use active listening behaviors asking the speaker appropriate questions

 Listen critically to recognize and interpret propaganda techniques

 Speak clearly and stay on topic using appropriate public speaking techniques

 Read, follow, and give clear and concise multi-step directions to complete a complex task

Informational Literacy

 Develop a research plan to guide investigation and research of focus questions

 Find and evaluate the reliability of information, make note cards, produce an organized draft, and publish a coherent piece of writing

 Document research sources using given citation form

 Identify and explain media techniques used to convey messages in various media


 Identify and represent functions as linear or nonlinear from tables, graphs, or equations

 Solve problems involving ratio, proportion, scale factor, and similarity

 Use positive and negative numbers accurately.

 Find the volume and surface area of various solids

 Describe variability in data and compare data distribution


 Practice using experimental design

 Experiment with simple electrical circuits

 Explore the effects forces have on the motion on the variety of apparatus

 Explain why Earth has seasons, day and night and the moon has phases

 Make connections between science, mathematics, and technology; develop abilities in technological design

Social Studies

 Analyze the history of the ancient and medieval world to compare and contrast the past and the present

 Explain how exploration and colonization affected Native Americans in the western hemisphere

 Identify, compare and contrast different forms of government

 Explain how ancient and medieval cultures differed in Europe, Asia and Africa

Physical Education/Health

Physical Education

 Develop physical fitness and a positive attitude toward a healthy lifestyle

 Display responsible behavior in the physical education setting

 Learn basic skills for various sports and lifetime activities


 Understand the structure and functions of the body systems

 Apply positive personal and family health habits

 Explore the importance of good nutrition

 Develop an awareness of safe and unsafe substances and effects on the body



 Develop singing skills

 Acquire skills to read music

 Perform vocally with an ensemble


 Demonstrate the ability to play an instrument

 Develop and apply skills to read music

 Develop and apply instrumental music skills to perform with a group


 Demonstrate ability to play an instrument

 Develop and apply skills to read music

 Develop and apply instrumental music skills to perform with a group

Exploring Music

 Develop basic music skills

 Explore the music of diverse cultures, different genres, and distinctive styles

 Identify standard music symbols and rhythms


 Apply drawing techniques and tools with a variety of materials

 Create artwork with various materials, including paint, fiber, clay, and so on

 Apply principles & elements of art to communicate ideas through artwork


 Overview the Spanish language and culture

 Develop basic conversation skills

Family and Consumer Science

• Complete 4 or 5 of the following modules:

Baking & Measurement Fashion and Textile

Basic Sewing Food Science

Careers Interior Design

Early Childhood Life Skills

Entrepreneurship Microwave Cooking & Nutrition

Personal Finance Families

Snack Nutrition

Gateway to Technology – Design and Modeling

 Explore the impact of technology on daily lives

 Use Inventor software to create designs and drawings

 Complete hands-on projects to solve problems

1 comment:

  1. hi mrs benson im trying to find out how to write on your blog but this might be it.im getting ready to go to football pratice so what i did this summer was swim,walk my dog rosco which is a cute little beagle with big ears and stuby legs and i have been playing viedo games and thats about it see you at school bye !!!!

