Monday, July 26, 2010


Interrupting my self-oppression
Anxious feelings become welcomed strangers
Is this what freedom feels like
So raw, so familiar

Timidly I explore all of my desires
Feeling my own feelings
I’m in control (is that okay?)

My God, where have I been?
I’m a stranger, stretching into my own skin
My hands ache for the crinkle of this paper, this scratch of the pen

It’s been a long time and although
I’ve remembered you now and again
This is different, real

Fear kept me running
But I’m no longer afraid
It’s okay to stand still in the comfort of warm light
Finding my joy as my heart and soul reunite.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Starting to Think School

It is kinda strange that the whole time I was teaching Quest, I really wasn't thinking about my fall planning.  I was a bit panicked about the new Promethean Board to tell you the truth.  But now, after a bit of training, I'm ready to get my head out of the clouds (and my Master's homework) and back into planning.  I've purged all of my files and am ready to organize them according to Tungsten strands.  I will then align these to the "Big Rocks" as well as the curriculum.  This will make my data team process so much easier and it will be easier for the students to set individual learning goals.  Look out '10-'11 here I come.

Books I must read before school starts:
Finish reading Eat, Pray, Love
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Just Listen

I thnk that gives me one book a week.  Can I do it?

Saturday, July 3, 2010
