Friday, July 16, 2010

Starting to Think School

It is kinda strange that the whole time I was teaching Quest, I really wasn't thinking about my fall planning.  I was a bit panicked about the new Promethean Board to tell you the truth.  But now, after a bit of training, I'm ready to get my head out of the clouds (and my Master's homework) and back into planning.  I've purged all of my files and am ready to organize them according to Tungsten strands.  I will then align these to the "Big Rocks" as well as the curriculum.  This will make my data team process so much easier and it will be easier for the students to set individual learning goals.  Look out '10-'11 here I come.

Books I must read before school starts:
Finish reading Eat, Pray, Love
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Just Listen

I thnk that gives me one book a week.  Can I do it?

1 comment:

  1. Finished Eat, Pray, Love and it was good. I felt she rushed the ending though. Can't wait to see the movie.

    Shiver was great. There are a lot of similarities to Twilight, but I also found lots of differences. The characters are not as deep as Bella and Edward and there is no love triangle--but there is plenty of romance and drama. The mythical characters with a twist are still present as everyone wants to be someone or something they are not and they all want to save each other. If you like Twilight, this is a good stepping stone for you.

