With our second unit, you (the student) will develop and apply skills and strategies to the reading process especially while reading nonfiction texts. Mastery of these skills and strategies is of the utmost importance as you continue through school. Nonfiction reading is found in every subject at every level of education and is the majority of the reading you will do as you start working and move up in your career.
This unit contains four major goals:
1. Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction from a variety of cultures and times.
2. Apply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension in nonfiction.
3. Apply during reading strategies to aid comprehension in nonfiction.
4. Apply post-reading strategies to aid comprehension in nonfiction.
[Goal 1] You will need to be able to identify the form of nonfiction you are reading based on the features of the text and the author’s purpose for writing the piece. You will be expected to know the following forms of nonfiction (refer to the text book on pages 82-86 or class notes for study):
*Autobiography *Biography *Essay *Informative *Article Interview
[Goal 2] You will also have to demonstrate consistent use of the following pre-reading strategies to aid the comprehension of non-fiction:
• previewing the text by looking at sidebars, graphs, charts, headings, subheading, section headings, captions,
photos, bolded text, pulled quotes, and footnotes.
• predicting what the text would be about using information from text features
• accessing your prior knowledge of the topic by determining what you already know/believe about this subject.
• set a purpose and rate for reading by deciding how much time is needed and what you are supposed to learn while
reading the passage.
[Goal 3] During reading, you will be asked to use strategies to self-monitor your comprehension. This means making sure you understand what you are reading. You will:
• question the text when needed
• make inferences to deepen understanding
• visualize what you are reading
• paraphrase and summarize the key points into your own words as you go along.
[Goal 4] After reading, you will demonstrate your comprehension of [a non-fiction] text by:
• answering basic comprehension questions
• identifying and explaining the relationship between the main idea and supporting details
• clarifying any questions asked during reading
• reflecting on what you learned from the text
• drawing conclusions about the topic or author, and
• analyzing the effectiveness or relevance of the text.
Practicing at home by reading lots and lots of nonfiction of your choice and using these skills and strategies will help you meet your goals for this unit. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
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